How to Secure Email For Exchanging Confidential Documents

Email is used by billions of individuals around the world to exchange information. However, it’s not always the best choice when it comes to send sensitive documents. With cyber and data security breaches on the rise, and data breach threats on the rise it is essential to know how to safely transmit sensitive information via email.

In most cases, it’s not a good idea to share confidential information via an unencrypted email message or as an attachment. This includes personal information like social security numbers, passport information and bank account information, and even business confidential documents. However, if you must send sensitive information via email, there are a few things you can do to protect yourself and your recipients.

The inclusion of a disclaimer is a method to inform recipients of the potential risks associated with. However, these disclaimers rarely have any significant effect since they are not legally binding and simply emphasize that the contents of the email are confidential.

Other alternatives include using an encryption service that is more efficient and requires that both you and the recipient are using systems that can support it (e.g. PGP or S/MIME are two choices. There are also programs which compress files before sending them. This can reduce the size of your files and make it harder for hackers to hack into your communications. You can also protect the document with passwords. the document so that it is difficult to open.

By putting a time limit to the document, you can ensure only the intended recipient has access to the document for a specified period of time. For emails for business, enabling two factor authentication in your email system will improve security.

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